..Taiwan and Hong Kong – Asia Trip 2013 ..

Taiwan Island is amazing

Girl from Hualien

It’s only a few days after our return from Asia. Two weeks in Taiwan and in Hong Kong, a week is a long time.  However, at this time we have managed to at least learn about eastern culture.

Before travelled, I had the opportunity to meet people from different parts of Asia, and I have to admit, they did not seem  too  friendly.  Rather, they were just like the people in Slovakia.  I really did not pay them much attention at home. Today, when the Asia I just remembered, I know that the problem is not beyond our border.

 „the problem is not beyond our border“


Taiwan Island is amazing

In the streets

First, you need to look and think about them in particular. Who are we? What are we to wear? What are we to our loved ones and what to complete strangers?  Each tries to learn something, to enrich and then spread further on their journey of life.  In Taiwan you understand what is the true meaning of selfless helpfulness, willingness, support, warmth, kindness … For the last „X“ number of years, not only in my travels, but also in my personal and professional life, I have never seen so many good people, just like here in Taiwan.

One can say that it is just a coincidence or, they are interested in the European tourists on the street literally „light up“ like a polar bear in the Sahara. I also thought the same thing. However, when people offered to help us day by day and even several times a day,  it must be viewed as sincere. Such events I could choose to write at least one of these events every day of my visit. Whether it was a real emergency assistance, advice, a joke on the road, or just a friendly smile when passing on the street.  All of these abound in Taiwan.  I could actually write about it a lot, but this article should rather be something else.


Pláže na Taiwane

Not only paople are amazing


In this way, my girlfriend  and I would like to thank everyone, who helped us on our trip, even those who gave us the smallest bit of help. And sincere words of thanks to those with whom we were able to spend some time.

Of course we also include those with whom we unfortunately did not have much time. It does not matter whether it was the generous employees of hotels and hostels, which provided free accommodation and behaved as if we were old and familiar friends, or the unwilling passers-by on the street, as we were helped of the cryptic Chinese characters on a street signs. And of course a huge thanks to those who smiled, waved, and said hello to us when passing on the streets…

 „so why don’t we at least try?“

After all, what is more beautiful than a smile on an unfamiliar face, which asks for nothing?  How much nicer would life be here at home, if the people on the streets smiled and were nicer to each other?  It’s the least we can do for others, so why don’t we at least try?


Taiwan Island is amazing

Northeast Taiwan


More informations about our program in Taiwan and Hong Kong trip here …